Wednesday, November 5, 2008


WELL, I had taken a break from blogging for a week or be honest sometimes it gets difficult to continue opening yourself up- some days I just want to wrap up the wounds without talking about them or addressing them. I hope any readers I may have can understand this.

With a new 44th President of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA- I decided I would come on here and post a few thoughts about how this election has personally changed my life.

All my life I have been considered white because I was adopted by a white family. Although I was occasionally teased in Hebrew school for looking "different", I did not really get discriminated against as a child.

My parents had literally CHANGED my identity when I became their baby and I was viewed as white. My father still argues with me to this VERY day that I AM WHITE.

The ONLY time my parents have really recognized my hispanic background was when I was trying to transfer schools when I was 15 years old. At that point, it all of a sudden became "okay" to refer to me as "latina"...for a BRIEF moment until the transfer was complete.

Now I am a grown up. I am a "big girl and have a voice of my own" as my psychiatrist often tells me. So with that being said, in my adult life I have begun to develop my OWN character and sense of being.

I AM HISPANIC and NOBODY will continue to convince me or TRY to convince me otherwise. I am actually angry with my father for the harsh critisism he continuously throws at my life. Especially the fact that he tells me that "I will always only be seen as white in his eyes" OR the fact that he refers to the first time he met my husband as "look who came to dinner." My husband is black. Perhaps I have yet to mention that. Well whatever. You get the idea?

The point of this story is that last I heard, 69% of the Hispanic vote went to Barack Obama and Hispanics had a HUGE impact on this election. "Look who came our next President" :) Please check the link below for a short article on hispanic voters....

I AM REGISTERED in the State of Maryland as ONE of the Hispanic voters. I am now old enough to register my OWN ethnicity without my father (or mother) speaking for me. It feels SOOOOOO good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My voice is being heard!!!! I LOVED seeing my ethnicity marked as HISPANIC when I casted MY ballot. I LOVE the fact that THAT part of ME got statistically recorded. I sit and cheer at my television when I hear them talk about the overwhelming turn-out of the YOUNG HISPANIC VOTERS!!!!!!!!! I cheer because I AM ONE OF THE YOUNG HISPANIC VOTERS ;) I am screaming "VIVA CHILE" louder and harder then ever before.

I LOVE AMERICA- please do not misunderstand that BUT I will never forget where I came from...

I am PROUD to be a HISPANIC JEWISH AMERICAN and I am so PROUD to have voted in this election.

And finally, I am SO PROUD to post the letter that was given to me in March of 1985...marking my citizenship in this country....


March 2, 1985

Dear Rachel:

As a member of the United States Senate from the State of Maryland, I want to congratulate you on becoming an American citizen. Both of my parents were immigrants to this country and became American citizens so I believe I have an understanding of what your new citizenship means to you.

One of the greatest strengths of this nation is the splendid contribution which has been made by those born in other countries. I am certain you will continue that fine tradition and help to make the United States a better home for all her people.

I hope you will let me know your views from time to time on issues pending before Congress. You have my very best wishes for a happy and rewarding life in the years ahead. With best regards....


Paul S. Sarbanes

United States Senator

This letter has never felt so important to me. Touching it, reading it, talking about it- brings tears of joy to my eyeballs. THANK YOU MOM, for saving it for is a posession I am really happy to have :)

GOD BLESS AMERICA. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU- no matter which way you voted. VIVA CHILE!!!!!!!!!! And to all a FINE NIGHT!!!!

Adios! PEACE! Chaooooo!

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