Wednesday, April 15, 2009

DRAMA in Adoption Reunions...

Ahhh...I haven't been blogging these past few weeks because I've hit a rough patch in my reunion. But I figured I may as well share it.

My biological mother is a rather selfish woman. Since finding her over three years ago- she has constantly informed me she does not want me talking to ANY of my siblings, cousins or Aunts and Uncles. She always tells me that I "belong to HER and NOBODY else." While I've tried to explain to her that I have the right to know all of my family, she doesn't seem to care.

To make a long story short- she is VERY displeased that I found my brother on facebook. She's been having her friends write me nasty emails and she called my cousin to curse him out last night- telling him to "pass the message to Rachel." Why THANKS, Mom!!!

Life has speed bumps and road blocks and I seem to have hit the first major one in my adoption reunion. I hope it smoothes out sooner rather than later!



Seantaku said...

Wow, I'm really sorry to hear that. I really hope everything works out. I can't understand why she wouldn't want you to get in contact with him, but whatever the reason I hope she comes around.

Hope everything else is going OK!

jimm said...

I was going to say she's selfish but the word falls short...

Then again, she's bound to be carrying some major baggage concerning this particular son's living arrangements. I think all you can do is to reassure her that your love for her cannot diminish for any reason, and ride out the storm. I expect she'll come to her senses eventually.

Until then, (((( Hugs ))))

Laurel said...

Just came upon your blog today...and had to take it all in! Great story...and as an adoptee myself, I understand the pain and challenges that go with adoption.

Added you to my list of fave blogs!
